But that moment is like going out to your favorite restaurant on your birthday - it’s exciting, memorable, and you look forward to it all year. We often come to the Bible hoping or even expecting to get that amazing, awe-inspiring feeling of connection with God. I heard this great anecdote from a YouTube video a few months ago.
#Bible study lessons for beginners how to
How to Start Bible Study: What to Expect from Bible Reading Today, I want to show you a few different Bible study methods that can help you learn how to start studying the Bible. Or, worse, making you feel like you’ll never, ever get it. I know how hard it is to find resources that explain what you need to know without overwhelming you. Whether you’re a new believer, a lifelong Christian who’s just starting to explore the Bible, or just looking because you’re curious, reading the Bible by yourself for the first time can be intimidating. This to say: if you’re new to all of this, I’ve been there. God sure does choose the strangest people. Now, 10 years later, and I have a degree in Religion with a focus on Biblical studies, and have written a few Bible studies myself. That’s right - I was so new to the Bible that thought an “Act” was the word for a verse. It was like she told me to open to “verse 2” and I was expected to find it. “Acts in which book?” I thought, confused as everyone in the video dutifully opened their Bibles to the same page.

I did my first Bible study online when I was 17, and I distinctly remember the teacher telling us to flip to Acts 2. Back before I knew how to start studying the Bible, I couldn’t tell Numbers from, well, a math textbook. I’ll be honest with you: I have’t always loved, or even liked, Bible study. This guide has been updated in 2021 with new insights from that experience! How to Start Bible Study: My Experience I also read the Bible front to back last year. Now I have a BA in Religion (with a focus in Biblical Studies) and a regular Bible study practice. When I came to the Bible as a new believer, I had no clue what to make of it. If you want to learn how to study the Bible for beginners, you’re in the right place! I come to you not as a pastor or Biblical expert, but as someone who has made this same journey myself. Welcome! This article is my comprehensive guide on how to start studying the Bible.