Rubber cushions should be triangular in shape with the width of the cloth-covered cushion being between 1 7/8 and 2 inches measured from the outer edge of the featherstrip to the nose of the cushion. All rail bolts should be thus located that when properly torqued render a quiet and optimum rebound from any point of the cushion nose of the table. Any nameplates and score counters should be flush level with rail top. The sights may be round (between 7/16 and ½ inch in diameter) or diamond-shaped (between 1 x 7/16 and 1 ¼ x 5/8 inch ). The center of each sight should be located 3 11/16 (+ ) inches from the nose of the cushion. 18 sights (or 17 and a name plate) shall be attached flush on the rail cap with:ġ2 ½ inches from sight to sight on a 9-foot regulation tableġ1 ½ inches from sight to sight on a 8-foot regulation table. The rail width must be between 4 and 7 ½ inches including the rubber cushions. The playing surface (area) must be rectangular, and symmetrical when the pocket configurations are included:ĩ foot – 100 (+ 1/8) x 50 (+ 1/8) inches (except cushions)/ [2.54 m (+Ĩ foot – 92 (+ 1/8) x 46 (+ 1/8) inches (except cushions)/ [2.3368 m (+ The slate sections must be secured to the base frame with countersunk screws or bolts. Tournament tables must have a set of slates consisting of three pieces of equal size with wooden frame of at least ¾ inch thick lumber attached underneath the slate. All slate joints must be in the same plane within.

030 inches when loaded with a concentrated static force of 200 pounds at its center. Further this surface should have an additional deflection not to exceed. The thickness must be at least 1 inch, and the playing surface must be capable, either by its own strength or a combination of its strength and that of the table base frame, of maintaining an overall flatness within +. Construction should be adequate enough so that the table will remain stable and level under all conditions of play. Shall not have any sharp edges or materials that might cause injuries or damage clothes. Shall be between 29 ¼ inches and 31 inches. At its sole discretion, the World Pool-Billiard Association can sanction tournaments on tables not in compliance with these specifications. These specifications do not necessarily apply to tables manufactured for commercial home use. The purpose of these specifications shall be to set standards for equipment used at all WPA World Championships, WPA World Tour events and other WPA sanctioned and/or recognized events. Cleaning Table and Rail Cloth (Advised Preparation)Ģ0.